"Message of the Week"

Our live broadcasts on Sundays at 11:15 am and 6:00 pm Eastern time will now be here. The player will start automatically once the broadcast starts.

Follow This Link for the Live Broadcast page

Grace Bible Church

2 Timothy 2:15
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Message of the Week (each week we will put a new audio message here from the Sunday morning service; The most recent 4 weeks will be here and older messages can be found in the Audio Archives section)

We now are recording our Sunday messages in mp3 format and you have the option to listen on your browser or device by clicking on the title of the message. To Download for later listening right click on the title and choose "Save Link As"

Chattanooga Bible Conference 2024

Sunday October 13, 2024

Sunday September 29, 2024
Time and Chance

Sunday September 22, 2024
This Thing Called Grace

Sunday September 15, 2024
A Call to Remembrance


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